10-Minute Recharge: Rethinking Time, Balance, and Health for Busy Women

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We've all heard it a million times: "Find time for exercise!" "Achieve work-life balance!" "Get healthy!" But for busy women like us, those goals can feel more like burdens than mantras.

Here's the thing: what if we reframed these ideas for a more realistic, 10-minute-a-day approach?

Time: Let's face it, we can't magically create more hours. Instead, let's prioritise. And remember to put yourself first sometimes, which we know, can be really hard! Stop stressing about the hours you lack and focus on maximizing the ones you have. Here's your power move:

  • Schedule Self-Care: Block out 10 minutes each day for something that fuels you - a quick workout, meditation, reading a chapter. Treat it like an important meeting you wouldn't miss! Short, sharp and can make such a difference to your head space! 

Balance: Forget the Instagram-perfect image of perfect balance. Life's more like a juggling act. Sometimes, one ball gets dropped (hello, laundry!), but we pick it back up and keep going. Embrace the chaos, prioritise, and be okay with things being a little out of whack. Think of your day like a pie. Maybe today, your biggest slice goes to work, but tomorrow, it could be family time. It's about giving your energy to what matters most, right now.

  • Daily Priority Check: Take 5 minutes each morning to identify your top priority for the day. This helps you focus your energy and avoid feeling overwhelmed by everything at once.

Health: Getting healthy isn't a destination, it's a journey. Doing small things on a regular basis can really make a difference. Health is mental and physical, and it can be easy to find small pockets in your day to make health fit in with your hectic life (if you know how!)

    • 10-Minute Fitness Fix: Can't squeeze in a gym session? No problem! Do a quick bodyweight workout, take a brisk walk, or groove to your favourite tunes. Every bit counts!
    • Healthy Snack Prep: Wash and chop veggies for the week.
    • Remember to drink water!

So, ditch the pressure of "finding" time, "achieving" balance, or "getting" healthy. Let's focus on prioritising our well-being, one small step (or 10-minute burst) at a time.

Do you want more support to fit health into your world? Without it being complicated! 10-DN is here for you with the online course ENERGY BOOST. Click here for more info and to sign up for ongoing support for less than the cost of one Personal Training session!

***This blog is purely educational in nature and for information specific to you, please speak to your health care provider